• Harry Potter 7 Part 2

    Harry Potter 7 Part 2

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 is a 2011 fantasy film directed by David Yates and distributed by Warner Bros. It is the second of two cinematic parts based on J. Rowling's 2007 novel of the same name. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 USA. War rages as Harry Potter attempts to destroy the last remaining pieces of Voldemort's soul and defeat the villain once and for all. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is the second instalment of a two-part film based on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. Rowling, and the final film in the Harry Potter series. David Yates, who directed the preceding two films, directed both parts, while Steve Kloves. Just as things begin to look hopeless, Harry discovers a trio of magical objects that endow him with powers to rival Voldemort's formidable skills. Watch trailers.

    After seven earlier films reaching back a decade, the Harry Potter saga comes to a solid and satisfying conclusion in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.' The finale conjures up enough awe and solemnity to serve as an appropriate finale and a dramatic contrast to the lighthearted (relative) innocence of 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' all those magical years ago. Harry, Hermione and Ron are grown up now, and Harry has even grown the facial stubble required of all epic heroes.

    The time has come for him to face Lord Voldemort in their final showdown, and their conflict is staged in a series of special effects sequences containing power and conviction. I am still not sure what the bolts discharged by magic wands actually consist of, but never mind. They look wicked and lethal. I dare not reveal a single crucial detail about the story itself, lest I offend the Spoiler Police, who have been on my case lately. Besides, you never know.

    Maybe they've completely rewritten J. Rowling's final book in the series. Maybe Harry dies, Voldemort is triumphant, and evil reigns. What I can observe is that this final film is a reunion of sorts for a great many characters we've come to know over the years. So many distinguished British actors have played roles in the Potter films that those who haven't may be fitfully resentful. Here we see once again characters whose names were once new and now resonate with associations: Bellatrix Lestrange, Rubeus Hagrid, Professor Dumbledore, Ollivander, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and even Prof.

    Minerva McGonagall, who is called upon to summon her powers and shield Hogwarts School from the powers of Voldemort. You don't want to know what happens to Hogwarts here. Many of its shining spires and noble gothic arches are reduced to ruin and ashes, providing an apocalyptic battleground. The school also seems to have mysteriously relocated adjacent to towering heights that permit vertiginous falls to the earth far below. There is no place in Britain that fits this geography, but then is Hogwarts quite in the real Britain? What is does occupy is a Britain of the imagination.

    The series has remained faithful to J. Rowling's original conception, and resisted temptations to cheapen its action or simplify its complexity. She created a fictional world with its own logic and consistency, and here at the finale, there is some satisfaction in seeing loose ends tied up, lingering mysteries explained and suspicions confirmed. In a dreamy sequence, we are allowed to see the characters as they were in the beginning.

    They were so young. By spanning something like real time, the story has grown older along with them., born 1989, was 11 when he first played Harry Potter, is 21 now, and he and Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger have luckily remained recognizable and soldiered on through what involved a great deal of hard labor. Not many young actors have been worked so relentlessly for a decade.

    That said, it's apparent again in this film that the three leads are upstaged by the supporting characters. Their role is to be plucky, clean-cut and stalwart. They sneak around and observe things. They eavesdrop. They speculate. They are lectured to.

    They endure a little low-key puberty. Harry struggles to master his magic. Meanwhile, such British legends as, Helena Bonham Carter, and steal scenes just by standing there. What chance does Harry or anybody have against Voldemort's smashed face with its nostril slits? Late in the film, leaving nothing to chance, Voldemort even appears as his own fetus, looking like it's been simmered in red sauce. It is Fiennes' Voldemort who dominates this last installment, illustrating the old actors' axiom that it is better to play the villain than the hero. It takes a considerable villain to hold his own in the crumbled ruins of Hogwarts, and force the remaining students to choose between the friends of Harry or joining him on the dark side.

    Considering what has happened to Hogwarts, it's a little surprising that the students haven't been sent home, but then Dumbledore has had other things on his mind. This movie is impressively staged, the dialogue is given proper weight and not hurried through, there are surprises which, in hindsight, seem fair enough, and 'Harry Potter' now possesses an end that befits the most profitable series in movie history. These films will be around for a long time. And without spoiling a single thing, let me just observe that the final scene clearly leaves an opening for a sequel. I know, Rowling says there won't be one.

    Note: This entire movie is dark, gloomy and filled with shadows. So it should be. That makes it particularly inappropriate for the additional dimness of 3-D. There are a few shots that benefit from 3-D (I like the unfolding of the little magical globe) but none that require it. Avoid the surcharge and see the film in proper 2-D with brighter color.

    Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter in a scene from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.' Credit Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros.

    Pictures, via Associated Press Childhood ends, this time forever, with tears and howls, swirls of smoke, the shock of mortality and bittersweet smiles in the grave, deeply satisfying final movie in the series. A pop cultural happening extraordinaire, the Potter movies took uncertain flight in 2001 with Harry, then an orphan of 11, home alone with his grotesquely unloving relatives. Times were grim, at least off screen — the first opened in November of that year — but Chris Columbus’s directorial touch was insistently light as Harry was initiated into a world alive with odd doings, strange creatures and the evil that would almost consume it.

    A decade later Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron , have become powerful adult wizards, while the actors are now stars. Look closely and you can see the beard inching along Harry’s, or rather Mr. Radcliffe’s pale chin.

    Meanwhile Ms. Watson, smoldering in bruising dark lipstick on the cover of the July Vogue, has her own hair and makeup artist, and the director, David Yates, even trains the camera on her generous peekaboo cleavage.

    Just as startling is the transformation of Mr. Grint who, in one early, anxious scene wears a goatee and a panicked look that together suggest a junior Paul Giamatti. My, how the children have grown — and the movies too.

    It’s taken two of them to translate ’s last, exhausting tome. A long windup to the new one’s big-bang finale, “Part 1” was memorable for the death of the house elf Dobby and less so for the draggy scenes of Harry, Hermione and Ron hiding and quarreling in the wild. There’s no time for adolescent angst in war. Now, when a student (he who shall not be named so as not to ruin the fun) declares his affection for another — the air electric with fire, frenzy and young love (if never lust) — it’s because, as he says, both may soon be dead. Fans of the books know how it turns out, and moviegoers can guess.

    Meanwhile this declaration, especially given the casualties to come, may fill you with feeling and also make you cry. I did, partly because it’s been unexpectedly moving growing older with these characters and actors perhaps simply because it’s invariably poignant watching children become adults. However uneven they were at the start, the three young leads were irresistible simply because they were so young, unformed and vulnerable (like their characters). Watson was the most assured, while Mr. Grint was the natural (and still is). Radcliffe, button cute, capable, opaque, was tougher to warm up to.

    But it’s pointless to think of anyone else. He became Harry, Harry is him, and Mr.

    Radcliffe’s depthless quality now seems right for a character who, in the books and movies, was never as interesting as the magical world he revealed to us. From left, Emma Watson as Hermione, Rupert Grint as Ron and Daniel Radcliffe as Harry in a scene from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.'

    Credit Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros. Pictures, via Associated Press Mr. Radcliffe has evolved enough as a performer that he makes a steady hub for the busily spinning parts, even as Ms.

    Watson and Mr. Watch a la mala full movie online. Grint, whose characters are drifting toward their fate, have less to do. All three have nice moments in this movie, but it’s the older adults who take center stage.

    Harry Potter 7 Part 2

    Much has rightly been made over the years about how the franchise became a platform for some of the best British actors working, a truism that brought it force and gravity as one after another great — Michael Gambon, Gary Oldman, Emma Thompson, Jim Broadbent, Maggie Smith, David Thewlis, Jason Isaacs — stepped up, often wonderfully. Here it’s Ralph Fiennes and Alan Rickman who give the master class in acting. Advertisement As Lord Voldemort, the evil wizard who could not be named for ages but has been for a while, Mr. Fiennes has been part of the mix since the fourth film (“The Goblet of Fire”). Over the course of the series, as Voldemort gathered in power and corporeality, his wrenched, Medusa-like face eventually growing a body (though oddly losing its ), the actor started to fill out the character with sharp, indelible gestures, a flick of the wrist, a twist of the mouth. In “Part 2” his whispering hiss of a voice slithers into ears like a snake, seducing and terrorizing.

    But watch Mr. Fiennes’s hands, look as they flutter, their white, spidery fingers idling with exquisite delicacy as the long nails, sharpened into perfect arrows, threaten the worst. This is such great screen villainy it makes you regret there wasn’t more of Voldemort all along and more too of his incarnations as another gifted boy wizard, Tom Riddle. The books, fat with detail and detours into the past, gave Ms. Rowling loads of room to play.

    With only two or so hours of story time, the movies have been forced to sacrifice swaths of her material, and while the scripts have been largely models of adaptation — most, this one included, are by Steve Kloves — the emphasis on action (and interminable games of quidditch) was also a concession to the action-imperative of the modern blockbuster. (A deadly dull game that served as a rehearsal for war, quidditch is one Hogwarts tradition I was happy to see burn.) Mr. Yates, who brought the series into its mature stage with the fifth feature, “The Order of the Phoenix,” gets it mostly right in “Part 2.” The movie, the eighth, is tightly focused and as somber and unsettling as it should be, considering its apocalyptic events. It’s also often beautiful, washed in gray and so drained of other color that at first it looks as if it’s in black and white.

    It’s no wonder: Mr. Yates has kicked into Manichaean mode — and it’s the fight of good against evil, wizards against Voldemort and his hordes — so the director can be forgiven for almost overplaying the fascist overtones (the students rhythmically marching in the opener are nearly goose-stepping) if not for the juvenile St. Crispin’s Day speech at the end. Although a few scenes feel calculated to work as synergistic complements to the Empire beyond — like the overlong swooping rail ride that turns a spooky cavern into a — these pass quickly. One of the great and surprising satisfactions of the series is how, through the very fine and less so movies, it maintained its storytelling and filmmaking integrity, despite the corporate imperative.

    The love of the fans helped keep the series on track, as did the filmmakers (technicians included) and performers. The movies have affirmed that the relationship between mass art and its consumers is at times incredibly rich, evident in the mind-blowing fan culture of Potter world. Also: blockbusters can be awfully good. Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.' Credit Warner Brothers Pictures This bigness is no small thing. There are times, particularly during the enervating summer season, when it can seem as if Hollywood has forgotten how to put on a really big — and great — show.

    (Perhaps the studios should just hand over more blockbusters to the British: Christopher Nolan, after all, is London born.) It isn’t often in the summer that you enjoy the intense pleasure of a certain kind of old-fashioned cinema experience, the sort that sweeps you up in sheer spectacle with bigger-than-life images and yet holds you close with intimately observed characters and the details that keep your eyes and mind busy. Too often it can be hard to see the human touch amid the industrial machinery, which hasn’t been true here. One reason the movies work is that their scale never overwhelmed the extraordinary characters, especially the wizards whose very ordinary habits, prejudices, quirks and fears made this fantastical world recognizable.

    Over time the special effects have grown more special, but at their finest these are so seamlessly integrated that they no longer pop off the screen (even in 3-D) and instead serve the story’s emotional realism. When you see the albino dragon in “Part 2,” you may marvel at the technical virtuosity of its creation and how the muscles on its flanks clench with palpable effort as it looks down at a cityscape much as King Kong once did. Yet what lingers is how quickly this computer-made creature becomes a character.

    That dragon and Mr. Fiennes make this final Harry Potter movie soar, as do Mr. Gambon’s brief turn and Ms.

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    Smith’s furious and then visibly delighted marshaling of an army of stone soldiers. Finally too there is Mr. Rickman, who as Snape, Harry’s longtime nemesis, lifts the movie to its expressive high point. First seen standing in a window shaped like a coffin, Snape enters gravely, a picture of death. Pale and unsmiling, his black hair framing his white face like mourning crepe, he has always suggested Laurence, an ominous thought with children in the vicinity. That Snape has proven worthy of that comparison is partly a tribute to Ms. Rowling, but that he has become such a brilliant screen character is due to Mr.


    Rickman, who helped elevate a child’s tale of good and evil into a story of human struggle. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). The fighting is very intense, if largely bloodless, but be warned that several beloved characters do die, and that is upsetting. HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS Part 2 Opens on Friday nationwide. Directed by David Yates; written by Steve Kloves, based on the novel by; director of photography, Eduardo Serra; edited by Mark Day; music by Alexandre Desplat; production design by Stuart Craig; costumes by Jany Temime; produced by David Heyman, David Barron and Ms.

    Rowling; released by Warner Brothers Pictures. Running time: 2 hours 10 minutes.

    Harry Potter 7 Part 2