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    Our goal is to provide you with a quick access to the content of the user manual for Casio fx-991ES PLUS. Using the online preview, you can quickly view the contents and go to the page where you will find the solution to your problem with Casio fx-991ES PLUS. For your convenience If looking through the Casio fx-991ES PLUS user manual directly on this website is not convenient for you, there are two possible solutions:. Full Screen Viewing - to easily view the user manual (without downloading it to your computer), you can use full-screen viewing mode. To start viewing the user manual Casio fx-991ES PLUS on full screen, use the button Fullscreen. Downloading to your computer - You can also download the user manual Casio fx-991ES PLUS to your computer and keep it in your files.

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    However, if you do not want to take up too much of your disk space, you can always download it in the future from ManualsBase. Advertisement Print version Many people prefer to read the documents not on the screen, but in the printed version. The option to print the manual has also been provided, and you can use it by clicking the link above - Print the manual.

    You do not have to print the entire manual Casio fx-991ES PLUS but the selected pages only. Summaries Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Casio fx-991ES PLUS. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

    Summary of the content on the page No. 1 E fx-570ES PLUS fx-991ES PLUS User’s Guide CASIO Worldwide Education Website CASIO EDUCATIONAL FORUM Summary of the content on the page No. 2 Contents Important Information. 2 Sample Operations. 2 Initializing the Calculator.

    2 Safety Precautions. 2 Handling Precautions. 2 Removing the Hard Case. Summary of the content on the page No. 3 Important Information. The displays and illustrations (such as key markings) shown in this User’s Guide are for illustrative purposes only, and may differ somewhat from the actual items they represent. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.

    In no event shall CASIO Computer Co., Ltd. Be liable to anyone for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the purchase or use of this product and items that come with Summary of the content on the page No. 4. Never try to take the calculator apart. Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the exterior of the calculator. Whenever discarding the calculator or batteries, be sure to do so in accordance with the laws and regulations in your particular area. Company and product names used in this manual may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.

    Removing the Hard Case Before using the calculator, slide its hard case downwards to remove it, and then affix the hard case to t Summary of the content on the page No. 5 Reading the Display The display of the calculator shows expressions you input, calculation results, and various indicators. Input expression Indicators Math Math Math Math Calculation result. If a indicator appears on the right side of the calculation result, it means the displayed calculation result continues to the right.

    Use and to scroll the calculation result display. If a indicator appears on the right side of the input expression, it means the displayed calculation continues to Summary of the content on the page No.

    6 The display currently shows an intermediate result of a Disp multi-statement calculation. Important: For some type of calculation that takes a long time to execute, the display may show only the above indicators (without any value) while it performs the calculation internally.

    Using Menus Some of the calculator’s operations are performed using menus. Pressing or, for example, will display a menu of applicable functions. The following are the operations you should use to navigate between Summary of the content on the page No. 7 Linear Display (LineIO) causes fractions and other expressions to be displayed in a single line.

    Note:. The calculator switches to Linear Display automatically whenever you enter the STAT, BASE-N, MATRIX, or VECTOR Mode. In this manual, the symbol next to a sample operation indicates Natural Display, while the symbol indicates Linear Display. Deg Rad Gra Specifies degrees, radians or grads as the angle unit for value input and calculation result display. Note: In this man Summary of the content on the page No.

    8 Initializing Calculator Settings Perform the following procedure to initialize the calculator, which returns the calculation mode to COMP and returns all other settings, including setup menu settings, to their initial defaults. (CLR) (Setup) (Yes) Inputting Expressions and Values Basic Input Rules Calculations can be input in the same form as they are written. When you press the priority sequence of the input calculation will be evaluated automatically and the result will appear on the Summary of the content on the page No. 9 1st Parenthetical expressions Functions that require an argument to the right and a closing 2nd parenthesis “)” following the argument. 2 3 –1 r g Functions that come after the input value (x, x, x, x!, °’ ”, °, 3rd%, t), powers (x ), roots ( ) 4th Fractions Negative sign (–), base-n symbols (d, h, b, o) Note: When squaring a negative value (such as –2), the value being squared must be enclosed in parentheses ( 2 2 ). Since x has a higher priority than the negative sign, 5th Summary of the content on the page No.

    10 Using Values and Expressions as Arguments (Natural Display only) A value or an expression that you have already input can be used as the 7 argument of a function. After you have input, for example, you can make 6 7 it the argument of, resulting in. ' 6 7 7 To input 1 + and then change it to 1 + 6 ' 6 1 7 6 (INS) As shown above, the value or expression to the right of the cursor after (INS) are pressed becomes the argument of the function that is specified next. Summary of the content on the page No. 11 1 ÷ 6 = = 0. 6 1 ( ) 6 f 0.

    6 (' 2 + 2) ' 3 = ' ' = 5.913591358 6 + 2 3 2 2 3 ' ' 5.913591358 6 + 2 3 f While Linear Display is selected, each press of will toggle the currently displayed calculation result between its decimal form and fraction form. 1 1 ÷ 5 = 0.2 = 5 1 5 0.2 1 5 f 4 1 1 – = = 0.2 5 5 1 4 5 1 5 0.2 f Important:. Depending on the type of calculation result that is on the display when you press the Summary of the content on the page No. 12 Percent Calculations Inputting a value and pressing (%) causes the input value to become a percent. 150 20% = 30 150 20 (%) 30 Calculate what percentage of 880 is 660. (75%) 660 880 (%) 75 Increase 2500 by 15%. (2875) 2500 2500 15 (%) 2875 Discount 3500 by 25%.

    (2625) 3500 3500 25 (%) 2625 Degree, Minute, Second (Sexagesimal) Calculations Performing an addition or subtraction operation between sexagesimal value Summary of the content on the page No. 13 Transform the value 123 to engineering notation, shifting the decimal point to the left. 123 123 3 0.123×10 6 ( ) 0.000123×10 Calculation History In the COMP, CMPLX, or BASE-N Mode, the calculator remembers up to approximately 200 bytes of data for the newest calculation. You can scroll through calculation history contents using.

    1 + 1 = 2 1 1 2 2 + 2 = 4 2 2 4 3 + 3 = 6 Summary of the content on the page No. 14 Variables (A, B, C, D, E, F, X, Y) Your calculator has eight preset variables named A, B, C, D, E, F, X, and Y. You can assign values to variables and also use the variables in calculations. To assign the result of 3 + 5 to variable A 3 5 (STO) (A) 8 To multiply the contents of variable A by 10 (Continuing) (A) 10 80 To recall the contents of variable A (Continuing) (A) 8 To clear the contents of variable A Summary of the content on the page No. 15 r g r °,: These functions specify the angle unit. ° specifies degrees, radians, g and grads.

    Input a function from the menu that appears when you perform the following key operation: (DRG ). See 3.,: Exponential functions. Note that the input method is different depending upon whether you are using Natural Display or Linear Display. Log: Logarithmic function. Use the key to input log b as log (a, b).

    Base a 10 is the default setting if you do not input anything for Summary of the content on the page No. 16 x!: Factorial function.

    12 Abs: Absolute value function. Note that the input method is different depending upon whether you are using Natural Display or Linear Display.

    Ran#: Generates a 3-digit pseudo random number that is less than 1. The result is displayed as a fraction when Natural Display is selected. RanInt#: For input of the function of the form RanInt#(a, b), which generates a random integer within the range of a to b.

    15 nPr, nCr: Permutatio Summary of the content on the page No. 17 Tips for Successful Integration Calculations When a periodic function or integration interval results in positive and negative f(x) function values Perform separate integrations for each cycle, or for the positive part and the negative part, and then combine the results. B b c c b b f f( (x x) )dx = dx = f f( (x x) )dx dx + (– + (– f f( (x x) )dx dx) ) a a a a c c S S Positive Positive Positive Part Positive Part Negative Part Negative Part S S Negative Negative ( (S S Positive) Pos Summary of the content on the page No. 18 To calculate ' (= 3' 2 = 4.242640687.) to three decimal 2 × 3 places (Fix 3) (SETUP) (Fix) 2 3 3' 2 4.243 2 3 4.243 e 8 8 ln(x) = 1 1 (X) 1 (e) 1 (X) (,) 1 (,) (e) 1 To obtain the derivative at point x = /2 for the function y = sin(x) 9 9 ( ) (X) ( ) 2 0 ( ) (X) (,) ( ) 2 0 5 10 10 (x + 1) = 20 x 1 = ( ) (X) 1 Summary of the content on the page No.

    19 To generate random integers in the range of 1 to 6 15 15 (RanInt) 1 (,) 6 2 6 1 (Results shown here are for illustrative purposes only. Actual results will differ.) 16 16 To determine the number of permutations and combinations possible when selecting four people from a group of 10 Permutations: 10 (nPr) 4 5040 Combinations: 10 (nCr) 4 210 17 17 To perform the following calculations when Fix 3 is selected for the Summary of the content on the page No.

    20 To obtain the conjugate complex number of 2 + 3i (Complex number format: a + bi) (CMPLX) (Conjg) 2 3 (i) 2–3i To obtain the absolute value and argument of 1 + i Absolute Value: (Abs) 1 (i) ' 2 Argument: (CMPLX) (arg)1 (i) 45 Using a Command to Specify the Calculation Result Format Either of two special commands ( r θ or a+bi) can be input at the end of a calculation to specify the display format of the calculation results. The command overrides the calculator’s comp.

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